Wednesday, November 10, 2010

our little hAiLeY bug

were do i begin with my little hailey. she is constantly making me laugh saying things like: i love you in the morning mom and princesses don't go in the potty-to justify her not wanting to be potty trained! she loves her "nin-nastics" (gymnastics) class and eating waffels for every meal. she can often be found with her hands on her hips or climbing on anything that is standing still. i adore her and she is my 'best bud'

another birthday come and gone

in the past year i turned 33 years old. double digets of yuckiness and olderness. i have decided that while mentally i don't think i am this old my body is starting to tell me im getting old but with this comment i refuse to give in. i will not let myself wear house coats, i will not stop wearing flip flops and replace them with girdles and panty hose. i will not stop loving the smell of a new box of crayons and i will not keep trying to make chocolate one of the major food groups. and so world i am 33 and plan to keep on truckin, trying to put a little more skip in my step and less weight on my thighs but a little happier! go team-im in my thirties!

im back in the saddle again!

well ive decided its time to update my blog since for goodness sake its been way too long, and so here i go. im putting back on my funny pants, looking for adventure and moments that make me chuckle and im getting back on the horse. so giddie up and away we go.